Donate Hygiene Products from your travels
If you’re like me, you travel for business meetings, conferences, audits, training or just pleasure, and your hotels or resorts provide you with a daily supply of small sized soap, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste etc. And like me, you may not even use them, as I have a habit of travelling with my own brands. However, I do take them to be donated to the Dans La Rue Organization (www.danslarue.org).
Dans La Rue is a Montreal organization that helps youth survive the streets. They help the youth get back on their feet, and learn the skills necessary to build a brighter and more independent future.
These simple everyday products will go to the Dans La Rue Day Centre, which they will provide to the youth for their wellness needs.
So start collecting these items today, to be donated to Dans La Rue.
I will be more than happy to recuperate the items from you and provide them to the Dans La Rue organization.
Looking forward to seeing you and helping Montreal’s youth on the streets.
Thanks in advance.